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Children need to equip themselves with the global thinking by optimizing and integrating their left and right function of the brain during the early years. The future of our children lies in their early mental development.


G Champ Abacus program aims at enhancing and optimizing the child's hidden potential such as their imagination, creativity and computation skills to evoke their senses to comprehend further.


1. Abacus Skill Development Programme for Children
  • For Children of age 7-13 Years

  • Number of levels : 8

  • Each level : 3 months

  • Total Duration – 24 Months

  • Each class : 1 hr 15 min. twice a week / Weekly 2 Hours only

  • Batch size : 12 (maximum) to ensure personalised attention

  • Specially trained faculty

  • Daily practice of 15 Min. essential at home.

  • Certification at the end of the entire course

2. Junior Abacus Skill Development Programme for Children
  • For Children of age 5-7 Years

  • Number of levels : 1

  • Duration : 3 months

  • Each class : 1 hr 15 min. twice a week

  • Batch size : 12 (maximum) to ensure personalised attention

  • Specially trained faculty

  • Specially designed training aids to draw the child's interest

  • Certification at the end of the entire course

Benefits of Programme


  • Allows children to know from "What" to "How"

  • Promotes a holistic approach to learning.

  • Boosts the child's confidence.

  • Builds team spirit and socializing skills.

  • Develops moral values.

  • Helps face new challenges.

  • Helps enjoy working with numbers.

  • Improves Concentration Power



Sate level abacus competition
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